Authlete API Tutorial
OAuth 2.0 Basics
A tutorial to understand how OAuth 2.0 authorization server leverages Authlete APIs.
OIDC Basics
A tutorial to understand how OpenID Connect identity provider leverages Authlete APIs.
Getting Started with the Authlete APIs in Java
Learn how to use the Authlete APIs to enable a Java web application as an OAuth Authorization Server and Resource Server.
Financial-grade API (FAPI) Basics
A tutorial to configure Authlete to build a Financial-grade API (FAPI) compliant authorization server.
FAPI Basics Supplement: Integration with Reference Implementations
A tutorial to integrate Authlete's reference implementations with an Authlete service, that has been configured with settings described in another tutorial, Financial-grade API (FAPI) Basics.
Financial-grade Amazon API Gateway
A tutorial to explain how to protect APIs built on Amazon API Gateway more securely than ever before by utilizing certificate-bound access tokens (RFC 8705).
Integration with External IdPs
An article that explains how to integrate Authlete with external IdPs.
Amazon Cognito and Latest OAuth/OIDC Specifications
A tutorial that explains how to use Amazon Cognito just as a user database and delegate OAuth/OIDC-related tasks to Authlete so that your system can continue to use Cognito and at the same time support the latest OAuth/OIDC specifications such as Financial-grade API.