ID Tokens
Identifying claims expected to be included into an ID token
How Authlete helps identity providers identify and fulfill requested claims by relying parties in OpenID Connect authentication requests.
Adding claims to an ID token
Adds arbitrary claims to an ID token using Authlete's API with specific claim values such as name and email.
Changing signing key for ID tokens
Guide on changing a signing key for ID tokens by configuring both a service of Authlete and a client registered to the service.
Generating encrypted ID tokens
Generating encrypted ID tokens for a particular client using Authlete and registering a JWK set for encryption.
When a response_type parameter contains id_token
Technical information about the necessity of including openid in the value of the scope parameter when the response_type parameter contains id_token in an authorization request.
Custom header claims in ID tokens
Adding custom claims to ID tokens by configuring Authlete to include them in the JWS header available in version 2.2 and later.