How to enable issuing of a refresh token

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How to enable issuing of a refresh token

In order to include a refresh token in a response from /auth/token API, you have to configure both Authlete service and its clients.

If not configured, Refresh Token Grant Type (grant_type=refresh_token) is disabled. Issuing of a refresh token for other grant types such as Authorization Code Grant Type (grant_type=authorization_code) is also omitted.

Service settings

In the Authlete console, go to your service settings, under Endpoints > Global Settings. You will then need to enable the “REFRESH_TOKEN” value under the Supporter Grant Types setting.

Supported Grant Types

Client settings

Requiring such settings for clients is applicable for Authlete 2.1 and later i.e. not applicable for Authlete 2.0 and its previous versions.

In the Authlete console, go to your client settings, under Endpoints > Global Settings. You will then need to enable the “REFRESH_TOKEN” value under the Supporter Grant Types setting.

Grant Types