Using “parameterized scopes”

Using “parameterized scopes”


Authlete supports “parameterized scopes” so that you can use a scope string with a dynamic value as a part of it. This article describes how to configure and use the feature.

This feature is available since Authlete 2.2.

Configuring parameterized scopes

A parameterized scope can be defined by specifying a scope attribute for a static scope. The instructions are as follows.1. Open the scope attribute setting window. (See “Scope Attributes ” for detailed instructions) 2. Enter “regex” (a special value for parameterized scopes) in the “key” field of the scope attribute. 3. Enter a regular expression in the “value” field of the scope attribute. The expression must match a scope string that may include dynamic values.

The example below specifies a regular expression “^consent:.+*$” for a static scope “consent” to configure Authlete to accept scope values that match the expression (e.g. “consent:urn:bancoex:C1DD33123”) as well as the static value “consent.”

Example of setting up a parameterized scope for a "consent" scope.

Example of parameterized scopes

Authorization request

The following request/response example using curl shows how Authlete’s /auth/authorization API processes an authorization request that includes a dynamic value in its “scope” parameter.

  • Request
$ curl -s -X POST \
 -u ...:... \
 -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
 -d '{"parameters":
  • Response
  "type": "authorizationResponse",
  "resultCode": "A004001",
    "[A004001] Authlete has successfully issued a ticket
     to the service (API Key = 2407...) for the
     authorization request from the client (ID = 2614...).
     [response_type=code, openid=false]",
  "action": "INTERACTION",
  "dynamicScopes": [
      "name": "consent",
      "value": "consent:urn:bancoex:C1DD33123"
  "scopes": [
      "defaultEntry": false,
      "description": "A permission to request an OpenID Provider to include the email claim and the email_verified claim in an ID Token. See OpenID Connect Core 1.0, 5.4. for details.",
      "name": "email"

The scope that matches the regular expression, specified as the value of the scope attribute, is stored in “dynamicScopes” array. The “name” and “value” field of the array contain the scope name, and the scope string specified in the “value” parameter in the authorization request, respectively.


You can check if an access token has specific “parameterized scopes” in the same way as the checking for static scopes. The following is an example of /auth/introspection API request/response using curl.

  • Request
curl -s -X POST .../auth/introspection \
   -u ...:... \
   -H 'Content-type: application/json' \
   -d '{"token":"L2sOx9...","scopes":["email","consent:urn:bancoex:C1DD33123"]
  • Response
    "type": "introspectionResponse",
    "resultCode": "A056001",
    "resultMessage": "[A056001] The access token is valid.",
    "action": "OK",
    "clientId": ...,
    "expiresAt": ...,
    "responseContent": "Bearer error=\"invalid_request\"",
    "scopes": [
    "subject": "testuser01",

For details on checking the scope covered by a token using the /auth/introspection API , see “Checking if an access token has particular scopes “.

Discovery Document

Only the scope name will be shown in a discovery document even if “parameterized scopes” feature is enabled. The following is an example of /service/configuration API response.

   "issuer": "...",
   "authorization_endpoint": "...",
   "token_endpoint": "...",
   "userinfo_endpoint": "...",
   "jwks_uri": "...",
   "scopes_supported": [

See also